Majestic Nights Switch and update

Majestic Nights is about to be submitted to Switch. As a game we feel strongly about this title we hope our Switch port will bring new players to this title and they can find as much enjoyment as other players on the PC platform.

We will use to proceeds from the Switch release to really plan what we are doing with Majestic. Majestic Nights, if you haven’t played it is what we call a strange and wonderful gem. This game had a very bumpy launch, but has a core to it which is like no other game. We want to make the remaining chapters, and are thinking carefully about which engine we use, either its existing engine or the Chaos Engine.

Last year was very difficult for us, for a variety of reasons. As the CEO, I was also building a whole new piece of technology and we were doing a large amount of development on our Reclaimer title (more about that later).